Work Friends Fair Usage Policy
Effective from 15th June 2020
The Work Friends Services (as defined in the Terms of Service) are provided on a per user basis. We ask customers to provide an estimate of the number of employees who require access to the Work Friends Services. We then calculate the fees payable based on the number of employees.
We appreciate that during the Subscription Term there may be times when the number of employees using the Services exceeds the number of User Subscriptions that have been purchased. We do not charge extra fees where the number of additional users is reasonable. However, if we become aware that the number of Authorised Users has reached 20% more than the number of User Subscriptions purchased then we will contact you to discuss the situation further.
If the situation doesn’t change then we reserve the right to require you to:
- pay Work Friends an additional fee, as an uplift to the flat fee agreed at the beginning of the Subscription Term, based on the number of additional User Subscriptions required; or
- limit the number of Authorised Users.